Houd Afstand
On Monday, March 16 2020, all schools in the Netherlands closed down due to COVID-19. From one day to the next, everyone was at home. No more lessons in the classroom, no more chatting with friends during breaks. ‘Distance learning’ became the norm. Contacts with friends and classmates only online. This book shows what this meant for the school, the students and all employees of the school. Cees Glastra van Loon, photographer and also a teacher himself at the Mundus College, recorded it all on behalf of the Amsterdam City Archives. Now that the end of the corona crisis is in sight, this book offers a lasting reminder of that time. But above all it also shows the resilience of the students. Because despite everything, learning and life went on.
title Houd Afstand
client Cees Glastra van Loon
publisher self-published
author Cees Glastra van Loon
photography Cees Glastra van Loon
photo edit Marc Prüst, Cees Glastra van Loon
text Maxe de Rijk
book design Wout de Vringer
font BVH Baldinger Pro, Berthold City
size 200 x 270 mm
pages 160
printing full colour offset
cover softcover; full colour offset
printer Wilco Art Books
published 2021
isbn 978-90-9031449-5